Plugin Library

CrossMobile provides the following frameworks that support basic internal application functionality.

Accounts Framework: Supports operation related to external accounts. 

AddressBook Framework: Provides access to contacts database. 

AudioToolBox Framework: Supports the audio services of the application. 

AVFoundation Framework: Implements the audio player of the application. 

Core Graphics Framework: Provides application’s basic graphic functionality. 

Core Location Framework: Implements services related to device’s location, region and heading state. 

Foundation Framework: Implements all the principal entities of the system. 

Map Kit Framework: Supports customized visual representation of maps. 

MediaPlayer Framework: Implements the movie player of the application. 

MessageUI Framework: Supports application’s email message composing and sending interface. 

MobileCoreServices Framework: Incorporates multimedia content identification. 

Quick Look Framework: Provides item previews services. 

QuarzCore Framework: Provides animation operations. 

Store Kit Framework: Supports App Store’s payment transactions. 

UIKit Framework: Implements the basic representation and functionality of all visible parts of the app. 

The above internal functionality frameworks (except for the Map Kit and the Accounts Framework) are available with the community edition. Click here to download

The enterprise edition of CrossMobile comes with the following additional internal functionality frameworks:

CoreImage Framework: Provides image filter functions 

GameKit Framework: Provides useful game development features such as data transmission and peer to peer connectivity. 

UNNotifications Framework: Provides support for local and push notifications.

in App Payment Framework: Supports payment transaction services. 

Social Framework: Implements services related to social network access 

Apart from the above frameworks, CrossMobile offers additional external-functionality plugins:

KeyChain Plugin: Provides password management services. 

Reachability Plugin: Offers specialized connection services. 

Social Framework Pro: Supports advanced social network operations. 

SQLite Plugin: Manages SQLite databases. 

Zip Plugin: Incorporates data compression operations.

If you want to download the free community version or the enterprise edition click here