Download CrossMobile

Thank you for your interest to download CrossMobile - the only truly multiplatform SDK for mobile development.


Download latest Stable release

All releases including latest Beta

GitHub repository of the source code



Download either 64 (.x64.exe) or 32 (.x32.exe) bit version.


Download the binary for your platform: .x86_64.appimage for Intel 64 bits, .armhf.appimage for ARM 32 bits and .aarch64.appimage for ARM 64 bits.
Then make it executable following either of these steps:

  • In Nautilus (Gnome) or Dolphin (KDE), right click on file → Properties → Permissions → Execute: Allow executing file as program or Is executable
  • In terminal, type this command: chmod a+x CrossMobile-*.appimage

Download the .dmg file as usual.



CrossMobile - Create Native iOS, Android and Desktop applications | Product Hunt Embed